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Draft Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity

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updated at 21 Mar 2023
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IX. CALLS ON all actors in the digital identity ecosystem to implement or, as appropriate according to their role, support and promote the implementation of this Recommendation; X. INVITES the Secretary-General to disseminate this Recommendation. XI. INVITES Adherents to disseminate this Recommendation at all levels of government. XII. INVITES non-Adherents to take account of and adhere to this Recommendation.

Comments (1)

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  • Eduardo Chongkan

    This should include and emphasize to invite the Open Source community, and the Software and Web Development communities of each country to ENGAGE ( get them engaged ) into this project. If they are not engaged, the project will turn more a political project rather than be implemented as a real solution. The focal should be the implementation and the results, availability, iteration, and data. Not in meeting requirements on paper or with semi-functional solutions.

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