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Draft Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity

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updated at 21 Mar 2023
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VIII. 2. Engage in international regulatory co-operation to enable cross-border interoperability of digital identity systems, such as by assessing the coherence, compatibility or equivalence of existing laws, trust frameworks and technical standards, exploring collaboration through free trade agreements and identifying opportunities for cross-border regulatory experimentation;

Comments (2)

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  • Eduardo Chongkan

    Q: What is the scope of the this recommendation in term of the types of Identities it covers?

    The Legal Entity Identifier ( LEI ) is used to represent organizations rather than individuals ( KYB ) and used in a similar way to SWIFT ISO20022 and the proposed W3C VC-DID protocols. For the LEI, KYC is involved as well and they should inter-operate as well. ) KYC+KYB)

    LEI is for Legal entities, related to the Registry of Beneficiaries and AML/ATF

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    • Eduardo Chongkan

      I would like to propose the addition of the POCs for the international organizations defining the standards. OR, that the OECD creates the space, such space should be something just like this forum.

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