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Draft Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity

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updated at 21 Mar 2023
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RECOGNISING that digital identity can transform the way service providers operate and interact with their users, both in-person and online, by providing an optional alternative to physical credentials as part of a seamless omni-channel experience;

Comments (2)

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  • Michael BENAUDIS

    Recognizing that digital identity has the potential to transform the way service providers operate and interact with their users, fostering inclusion and transparency by providing a flexible and accessible alternative to physical credentials for both in-person and online services. A well-designed digital identity system can create a seamless omni-channel experience that enhances user convenience and privacy while supporting trusted transactions across a variety of platforms and contexts;

    • Campbell Cowie

      Very supportive of the proposed amendment. I would add that robust digital identity solutions can (and should) raise levels of security and trust in transactions when compared to transactions based solely on a human assessment of a physical (or even digital) credential. Not all
      digital identity solutions are the same, however, and care is needed to ensure that as a minimum solutions incorporate Liveness checks as standard. There are plenty of reports available on the nature of the threat landscape and the ineffectiveness of some approaches. for example those based on live video streams overseen solely by a human operator. Happy to provide further if required.

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