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Draft Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity

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updated at 21 Mar 2023
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RECOGNISING the value of trust services such as electronic signatures, electronic time-stamps, and electronic seals to support the usability of digital identity solutions;

Comments (1)

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  • Philip Sheldrake

    Trust is a social quality. Trust has no meaning in deterministic situations (Cook, Trust in Society, Russell Sage Foundation, 2001); you don’t need to trust that 2+2 will still equal 4 tomorrow, it just will.

    The application of cryptographic techniques is then better described as trustless. This may be appropriate in moderation. In excess, it reduces the frequency with which unverifiable claims are made and accepted on trust. On the contrary, absences of trustless verifiability may sow distrust with consequences for social cohesion. Decontextualization and cryptographic triangulation erodes self-narratives and freedoms to perceive, think, and act contextually.

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