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Draft Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity

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updated at 21 Mar 2023
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RECOGNISING that effective, usable, secure and trusted digital identity systems can facilitate and simplify access to a wide range of services and thereby contribute to social and economic value;

Comments (2)

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  • Henk Marsman
    Henk Marsman  •  Author  •  2023-03-22 14:13:09

    RECOGNISING that digital identity systems may also carry a negative impact when not designed and implemented appropriately, leading to potential violation of human rights for individuals

    - note this is intended to strengthen the argument to recommend governance, since the abscence of proper governance has been contributing to failing digital identity systems and people are actually denied services (including access to healthcare, social welfare and basic daily provisions), which also resulted in governments not being able to fulfill their obligations towards citizens and residents.

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    • Philip Sheldrake

      RECOGNISING that digital identity is not human identity; that digital identity paradigms and principles originate from computer science rather than the social sciences; that computer science is dedicated to making things legible to the system rather than helping humans relate to each other; that computer science considers us merely as addressable things; that decentralized digital identity is fundamentally a mutation carrying computer science’s false premise further into community, polluting the information ecology of human nature and human culture.


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