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Draft Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity

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updated at 21 Mar 2023
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Attribute refers to a verified quality or characteristic ascribed to a user, for example name, date of birth, place of birth, uniqueness identifier (e.g. personal ID number, social security number, company registration number), and address, in electronic form;

Comments (6)

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  • Chris Colenso-Dunne

    6. Each sensitive attribute database (SAD) shall be accessible only to the designated database administrator (DDA).

    7. Each access to each SAD or to each primary attribute database (PAD) shall be authenticated by a physical authentication key (PAK) complying with FIDO2 or later.

    8. The PAK shall not be a smart phone, smart watch, electronic tablet, console, laptop, PC, Mac, workstation, server, or other electronic device that permits the uploading or downloading of data other than the SAD or PAD authentication code generated by the PAK and other necessary data transmitted between the PAK and the SAD or PAD.

    9. The PAK shall be secured at all times around the DDA's neck on a cloth lanyard of at least 1,000 N tensile strength that identifies the site owner of the lanyard with an email address, telephone number and prepaid return postage post box address.

    10. The PAK on its lanyard shall be secured in an industry-standard secure safe or vault when the DDA is not at work.

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    • Chris Colenso-Dunne

      1 . Date of birth (DOB), place of birth (POB) and biometric data (BD), shall be designated as unchangeable sensitive attributes (USA).

      2. Health data shall be designated as changeable sensitive attributes (CSA).

      3. USA and CSA shall only be kept in a sensitive attribute database (SAD) if no other reasonable means exists to authenticate their owner's identity.

      4. Each SAD shall be cross-linked to, but separate from and not a part of, the primary attribute database (PAD) of non-sensitive attributes containing each person's other identifying attributes, eg last name, first name, residential address, email address, landline, mobile number.

      5. Each SAD and each PAD shall be at least 256-bit encrypted and protected by an alphanumeric User ID at least twelve characters in length that is not an email address, a randomly generated alphanumeric password at least 20 characters in length, and a physical authentication key (PAK) complying with FIDO2 or later.

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      • Chris Colenso-Dunne

        1. Attributes are time or location based, changeable by the user, eg names, or fixed eg date of birth (DOB); place of birth (POB); biometrical data (BD) (eg blood type; fingerprints & iris scans; face recognition; height; gait; genome; chromosomes; biological sex at birth; ethnicity; skin colour/tone).

        2. Health and biometrical data may be transient but sensitive (eg HIV/AIDS; current chosen gender).

        3. Attributes created by governments are changeable, eg passport #, driver licence #, social security #, if such data has been stolen to be used to hijack the identity of a natural or legal person and their title to realty or non-realty.

        4. Fixed attributes, eg DOB, POB, BD, being unchangeable, if stolen present timeless risk to a natural or legal person whose identity may be stolen and hijacked by third parties.

        5. Fixed attributes but not changeable attributes must be protected therefore as sensitive personal data.

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        • Chris Colenso-Dunne

          Shall read:

          Attribute refers to a verified quality or characteristic ascribed to a user, which may be changeable by the user eg name, uniqueness identifier (eg driver licence #, passport #, personal ID #, social security #, company registration #) and address; or fixed eg date of birth, place of birth, biometrical data (eg blood type, fingerprints & iris scans, face recognition, height, gait, genome, chromosomes, biological sex at birth; ethnicity; skin colour/tone) in electronic form;

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          • Chris Colenso-Dunne

            The theft of a user's attributes and/or the user's credential shall constitute a serious crime within the meaning of the criminal law, punishable by a fine of more than $10 thousand but less than $10 million and a period of incarceration not to exceed 20 years and not less than five years.

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            • Chris Colenso-Dunne

              1. A changeable attribute may be changed by the user, eg name, address, or at the user's behest changed by a credential provider, eg by a government.

              2. A credential provider shall cancel and change a user's changeable attributes and reissue the user's credential with the changed attributes when a user reasonably requests such change, eg if a third party has stolen the user's changeable attributes and/or the user's credential.

              3. The credential provider shall not charge a fee for this change greater than the fee charged for renewing the existing credential.

              4. The credential provider shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the stolen credential and the stolen attributes cannot be used by a third party to hijack the user's identity.

              5. If the credential provider fails to take all reasonable steps to protect the user's identity following theft of the
              credential and/or attributes, then the provider shall compensate the user.

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